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+ ǰ : BarTender V.2016 , 10.1 ٴ V.2016 , 10.1
+ īŻα
+ ޴
+ ǰҰ
BarTender V.2016 , 10.1  ٴ V.2016 , 10.1
 ü:
Windows XP (SP2 Ȥ )
Windows Server 2003 (SP1 Ȥ )
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2008 Ȥ 2008 R2
Windows 7
( 32 Ʈ 64 Ʈ )

⺻ ڵ, , ī, RFID ± μ μ ɱ ϴ Ʈ

- ̺ Ϳ True Windows ̹ ̿ ڵ μ RFID ± ڵ
-Basic, Professional, Automation, Enterprise Automation 4

(BarTender 8 īŻα׿ ü ǥ ʹ ϰ ϴ ֿ ǥ Ͽϴ.)

*̷ Basic ϼ!

PC OS Windows 7 ü. Ϻ/߱ ٱ μ. ܼ Ϸȭ ̿. QR Code, GS-1 128, GS-1 Datamaxtrix, GS-1 Databar (RSS) μ.

*̷ Professional ϼ!

/׼/ؽƮ ܺ ͺ̽ . ڿ . 16 Ϸȭ. ̹ . μ α Ϸ . VB ũƮ Լ ̿. RFID ± ڵ ̿.

*̷ Automation ϼ!

Ʈũ ټ ڰ Բ ͸ ̿. ܺ α׷ . VB ũƮ ̿ ̺Ʈ . μ.

*̷ Enterprise Automation ϼ!

, μ , ý , . μ. α׷ .

*̶̼? Ȱȭ(Software Activation)?

Basic Professional PC ̼ Ͻø ˴ϴ. , PC 2 2 ̼ Ͻø ˴ϴ.

PC α׷ ġ 30 Ȱȭ ʰ ǰ ϰ Ͻ Ⱓ Ŀ ̼ Ȱȭϼžմϴ.

Ȱȭ Ȱȭ BarTender Ȥ BarTender Seagull Scientific ̼ ǰ ϴ ø ˴ϴ.

Ȱȭ ̼ Ȱȭ ǰ ʱ BarTender Internet ݵ ׼Ͻ ʿ ϴ.

BarTender ٸ PC Ȱȭ ȸ ó ġ 3 ־µ ̸ ʰϸ ̼ ٽ ϼž մϴ.

PC Ȱȭ ȸ ϴ. Ȱȭ ڼ ñϽ α׷ ޴ ޴ Ȱȭ ȮϽʽÿ.

Automation Enterprise Automation PC Ʈũ ڰ ´ ̼ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
*繫ǿ ڰ BarTender Ϸ ϴµ α׷ ġ PC ??
PC ̼ ϴ Basic Professional ġ PC ŭ ̼ ϼž ̼ ϴ Automation Enterprise Automation Ʈũ ִ PC ġ PC ϴ.
ٸ ̼ ϴ ̱ ش Ʈũ BarTender ŭ ̼ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
Automation ⺻ 3 ̼ ϸ 3븦 ʰ 5, 10, 15, 20 ̼ Ű մϴ.
30~90 ̼ Žÿ 翡 Ͻô ֽϴ. 100 ̻ ͸ Ư ǹǷ Ź 帳ϴ.
ٴ ̿Ͽ ִ ̷δ 8,000Դϴ. ٸ Ʈũ ڿ Ʈũ ؾ մϴ.
Automation Ʈ ġ ġϴ SLS ͸ ϰ ˴ϴ.

*μ ̶ ΰ?
μ ۾ڰ μ ۾ ϴ , ü ߰, ̵, , ʴ 쿡 ϴ ǰԴϴ.
μ Professional Automation ǿ ˴ϴ.
μ ̿Ͽ ۾ڰ ϴ õ Ÿ ذϰų Ȥ ֽϴ.
( ü , йȣ ɼ Ǻ ˴ϴ.)
ٸ Automation μ ̿ϴ ͺٴ Automation Full Ű ̿Ͻô ֱ ̿ ؼ Ǹ ֽø Ͻ ֵ 帳ϴ.


SLS Seagull License Server ڷμ Automation ϴ ̼ ƿƼ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
Automation ÿ α׷ ġ SLS ġϼž մϴ. SLS ڼ ñϽ ȸ ֽø SLS 鼭 帮 ϰڽϴ.

* α׷̶?

BarTender Բ Ǵ α׷ μ ۾, μ ۾, ý ۾, ۾ μ õ ۾ 帮 α׷Դϴ.

Ͻô ǿ Ͻ ִ α׷ ٸ ѵ ֽϴ.

BarTender 8 α׷ ϸ ϴ. α׷ ִ 鼭 ϹǷ ڼ ñϽ ȸ ֽø ڷḦ 帮 ϰڽϴ.

1. Commander:
ٸ α׷ ƮŸ ڵ ϰ BarTender ҷ μմϴ. ڵ ʿ ʽϴ.

2. Security Center:
ǰ ٸ α׷ ȣȭ մϴ.

3. Librarian:
Ը ׷ İ Ÿ ϰ ֽϴ. ѹ ֽϴ.

4. Printer Maestro:
Windows μ Ͽ ܼȭմϴ.

5. History Explorer:
BarTender ý ͺ̽ ϵ ۾ ڼ Ȯ մϴ.

6. Reprint Console:
۾ α׸ żϰ Žϰ Ǵ Ϻ 󺧸 μ ֽϴ.

7. Print Station:
Ϲ ڿ "Ʈ Ŭ" μ մϴ.

8. Batch Maker:
ϳ "ġ" Ͽ μ ֽϴ.
*BarTender 10 ̿Ͽ  Ϳ  ڵ, ī, RFID ±׸ ֳ?
3M Graphic Products Printronix
AMT HellermannTyton QuickLabel Systems
Argox IBM Ring
Autonics InfoPrint Solutions SII
Avery Dennison Intermec Stratège Print
Birch ISG Sumitomo
Bitek Klic-N-Print System Wave
Brady KROY TallyGenicom
bsc LabelPod Tharo
C. Itoh Linx Thermopatch
cab MAX ThermoTex
Century Systems Max Meyer TNA
Citizen Systems Mectec Toshiba TEC
Cognitive MELTH TSC
Comtec Meto Tyco
Datamax-O'Neil Metrologic Unimark
Datasouth Monarch Valentin
Dedruma Novexx Videojet
Domino Okabe Marking Systems VIPColor
Eltron OPAL Wasp
ETISYS Pitney Bowes Wedderburn
General Code Postek Zebra
Godex Pressiza
1 ڵ
•Code 39 (Both Full ASCII and Regular)
•Code 93
•Code 128
•EAN-13 (with and without 2 and 5 digit add-ons)
•GS1 DataBar (formerly RSS, all four non-stacked variants)
•Interleaved 2-of-5
•JAN-13 (with and without 2 and 5 digit add-ons)
•MSI Plessey
•UPC-A (with and without 2 and 5 digit add-ons)
•UPC-E (with and without 2 and 5 digit add-ons)
2 ڵ
  • Aztec Code
  • Data Matrix
  • GS1 Composite (13 variants)
  • GS1 DataBar (formerly RSS, 3 stacked variants)
  • GS1 DataMatrix
  • MaxiCode
  • Micro QR Code
  • MicroPDF417
  • PDF417
  • QR Code
  • ڵ
  • Australia Post
  • Canadian Customs
  • Japanese Post
  • KIX Code
  • Royal Mail
  • UPS MaxiCode
  • USPS Intelligent Mail
  • USPS Planet
  • USPS Postnet

    RFID ±
    EPC Gen2, EPC Class 1, ISO 18000-6b, ISO 15693, Tag-It, I-CODE, TagSys, My-d, Picotag

    *BarTender 10  ޴  ϳ? (ϱ ޴ ̸ μ  μ ֽϴ.)
    ѱ, , ߱ ü, ߱ ü, Ϻ, ±, Ͼ, üھ, ׸, , 밡, þƾ, ¸, ξ, , , ɶ, , 븣̾, Ű, ũ, ״

    *BarTender 10 ġ PC  ̾ ϳ?
    512MB Ȥ ̻
    ϵ ũ
    ٴ- ּ 400 MB ʿ
    ٱ ٴ ø̼ - ִ 1.1 GB ʿ
    ּ : 800 x 600 ÷ - 16Ʈ
    õ : 1024 x 768 Ʈ ÷ - 32Ʈ
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Ȥ
    Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
    Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0
    ߰ ʿ
    USB ̼ Ű 1 USB Ʈ
    CD-ROM ̺ ( ġ ٿε ̿ )


    ȸ : Ŭ()


    TEL : 02)2065-0300 , FAX : 02)2065-0380 , : 070) 8734-9753

    ڵ ϵ Ʈ

    http://www.smclever.com , http://www.smclever.co.kr

    : http://m.smclever.com 


    - ǰ -

    * ڵ ĵ

    ڵ彺ĵ , 1D/ 2D ڵ忣 , ڵ彺ij,2D, OEMĵ . 2D Scan Engine
    CSE-6000 , CSE-6100W . CSE-6100S = 2D ĵ , OEM ĵ
    CSI-6000 , CSI-6100 --> 2D Imager Engine Module , 2D ̹
    ַ(Mobile Solution) , ַ(Mobile Payment Solution)
    Apple , Google Android , Windows Mobile ETC..

    [ ]

     ȸҰ    ȣå   ¶ι    
    ȸ : Ŭ()   ǥ : 缺   ּ : ȭ ΰ 214-1 (ȭ, ź 5)  
    TEL : 02) 2065-0300   FAX : 02) 2065-0380   : 070) 8734-9753   ڹȣ : 109-86-43178
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